Australian Fire Service Medal








David Bryan joined the Longley Rural Fire Brigade as a volunteer firefighter on the 14th June 1977.


He was elected to position of Deputy Captain of the Brigade in 1985 and from 1991 until present he has served as Brigade Chief of Sandfly Brigade (formerly Longley).


He has been a fire permit officer for 14 years and is a volunteer training instructor on Chainsaw Operation and Safety.


Outside of his local brigade activities in the Sandfly community he has been actively involved in the Tasmanian Volunteers Fire Brigades Association for 15 years. During this period he has served the Association in a number of executive positions including Southern Regional President and State Vice President.


Since 1990 he has been Chairman of the State Competitions Committee and as the representative of the Tasmanian Volunteers Fire Brigades Association he continues to serve on the State Occupational Health and Safety Committee.


David Bryan is a much respected member of the Sandfly Fire Brigade and the Sandfly/Longley community and has shown significant endeavour and commitment in the advancing volunteer issues for the betterment of the fire service and ultimately the community.


He was awarded the national Medal in 1993.