Gavin Michael Wagner





Gavin Wagner is Group Officer of the Dulverton Group of Brigades.  He joined Parattah Fire Brigade in 1969 as a volunteer firefighter and since served in several officer positions before being promoted to his current position as Brigade Chief of the Parattah Brigade in February 2000.  For many years whilst a member of Parattah Brigade he also served as a member of Oatlands Fire Brigade.


He is a member of the Dulverton Fire Management Area Committee and for the past six years a permit officer.


Gavin is an exemplary leader who, as a volunteer, is always ready to lend a hand.  He is held in high esteem by his fellow volunteers and the people of his local community alike.


He was awarded the National Medal in 1987 and the 1st Clasp to the National Medal in 1997.