Garry John Cooper

Brigade Chief





Garry Cooper commenced his fire service role as a volunteer firefighter with the Nubeena Brigade in February 1979.


Following the retirement of the previous Nubeena Brigade Chief in 1983, Garry was elected by the local members to the senior leadership position of Brigade Chief; a position he still holds today.


In 2005 Garry’s leadership and drive was acknowledged by all brigade officers of the Tasman Peninsula area when he was elected as Group Officer co-ordinating the development and activities of all Tasman Group Brigades; also a position Garry maintains to this day.


Tasmania Fire Service field officers regularly refer to Garry’s leadership and integrity as being a positive and very reliable influence over the brigades and the communities of the Tasman Peninsula and that the Brigade members themselves often comment on Garry’s strong and effective leadership.


Garry also holds responsibilities in local members OH&S requirements, property inspections and the issuing of fire permits.


Garry’s commitment to the Tasmania Fire Service has been recognised with the awarding of his National Medal in 1994 and his first clasp in 2004.