TVFFAF Medal and Awards Database

You can search for records of medal and award recipients on this database, as well as the recipients for a particular brigade.

EXAMPLES (Updated 30 September 2024)

  • Search by Name: Type the name you are looking for into the “Name” search box. This can be all or part of the persons first name or surname.
  • A search for “John” will give results that include John, Johnson, and Johnson.
  • You can then select the name of the recipient for whom you are searching.
  • To see all recipients for a brigade, Click on the arrow beside “Brigade” and scroll down to find the results from the brigade that you want to search. Or start typing the name of the brigade, and then select from the list that comes up.
  • To see the results , click on the “Search” button and scroll down to see the results.
  • To see all the entries in the database, press the Clear button. (This will clear all the search filters)
    NOTE: Unless you are looking for a specific person in a certain brigade, we recommend that you search on either the Name or the Brigade.
    Not both. Otherwise, you may get misleading results.

Search results can be printed, but please set print width to 100%, or Portrait.
Results will be sorted alphabetically by first name.

Press Search button when Brigade has been selected
Total Records Found: 952, showing 40 per page
NameTFS Award?Approved onTypeBrigadeNotationsCode
Aaron White 8/6/18 Retained Claremont
Adam Burrows 1/3/18 Retained George Town
Adam Hall 24/02/2013 Volunteer Dodges Ferry
Adam Meredith 25/02/2016 Retained Kingston
Adam Stanwix 17/2/17 Retained Taroona
Adrian Cotton 20/02/2015 Retained Midway Point
Adrian Mathew Singline 20/10/2011 Volunteer Port Sorell port
Adrian Robert Webster 27/02/2001 Retained Mt Nelson
Alan Gittus 27/02/2014 Retained New Norfolk
Alan Hennessy 11/09/2014 Volunteer Tullah 20 yr Clasp
Alastair Cooke 28/02/2022 Retained Kingston
Aleksander Long 9/01/2024 Volunteer Sorell Sor
Alexander Robert Otten 3/12/2001 Retained Ulverstone
Alister Shephard 12/2/05 Retained Prospect
Allison King 1/11/2007 Volunteer Karoola
Almas Khan 20/02/2023 Retained Fern Tree
Amanda Brazendale 28/2/2007 Volunteer Port Sorell port
Andrea Berne AWARD 5/2/16 Volunteer Meander
Andrea Stott 28/2/2007 Volunteer Port Sorell port
Andrew Alexander 19/3/18 Retained Claremont
Andrew Bassett 28/02/2005 Retained Wynyard
Andrew Charlton 28/02/2010 Volunteer Cambridge
Andrew Daly 12/3/19 Volunteer Dunalley 20 yr Clasp
Andrew Dare 24/02/2014 Retained Midway Point 20 yr Clasp
Andrew David Skinner 1/11/2010 Volunteer Southport
Andrew Frankcombe 28/2/05 Volunteer Pipers River
Andrew James Stott 29/02/2012 Retained Kingston 20 yrs Clasp
Andrew John Webster 27/02/2001 Retained Mt Nelson
Andrew Johns 28/02/2003 Retained Mt Nelson 20 yr Clasp
Andrew Mackey 18/02/2010 Volunteer Lauderdale
Andrew Mark Calvert 20/02/2010 Volunteer Lauderdale
Andrew Pegg 1/02/2008 Volunteer Magra 30 yr Clasp
Andrew Preece 25/02/2014 Retained Mt Nelson
Andrew Ringsgwandl 22/2/15 Volunteer Pipers River
Andrew Robert Luttrell 26/02/2011 Volunteer Richmond 20 yr Clasp
Andrew Shelverton 12/1/16 Volunteer Howden
Andrew Taylor AFSM 24/4/00 Retained George Town 30 yr Clasp
Andrew William Perry 1/11/2005 Volunteer Sassafras
Andy Kendall 14/03/2020 Volunteer Hillwood