Report for Associations TVFFAF 2014-2015


It once again gives me much pleasure to submit my report for the TVFFAF.

This year the executive has made some minor rule changes, dress code, pertaining to membership terminology and have redesigned the nomination form so that more specific information can be shown by nominators.

Dress Code

Medal and Award Presentations

Ø  Dress will be station wear with full medals worn on outer garment

Ø  Tie can be worn but both presenters must be dressed the same.                                   eg: Formal Dinners/Functions.



This year there has been a total of 43 nominations.

TFS Volunteer Medal                                    TFS Volunteer Award                                      Clasps

17 Volunteer Brigades                                   0 Volunteer Brigades                                        16

26 Retained Brigades                                      0 Retained Brigades

43 Total                                                                0 Total


The TFS Youth Award has received a total of 0 nominations for the year. This Award has not appealed to brigades as much as we would like. I believe it is up to the Associations to promote this Award more as it is being stated that Junior/Cadets are not being recognised when they gain senior membership of their brigade as per out-comes at North West Forum. This has been discussed at J/C state meetings and more information has been circulated through this forum.

The TVFFAF web page has been upgraded and the latest info uploaded. More info will be put on as it becomes available. Please take a look and pass on any comments to your Association delegate.

Funding for the Framework will remain at $2,500.00 per association for this year and will be reviewed as required

The Management Committee is Don Mackrill AFSM, Bruce Corbett AFSM and State Co-ordinator Robert Atkins AFSM, who have met twice during the year to discuss issues that have arisen.


Robert Atkins AFSM

State Co-ordinator TVFFAF